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Using the Liquibase Percona Toolkit Extension

Percona Toolkit is a collection of command-line tools, which help to perform MySQL, MongoDB, and system tasks that are too difficult or complex to perform manually.

There is a Liquibase extension that supports the Percona Toolkit pt-online-schema-change. This extension replaces some default changes to use pt-online-schema-change instead of SQL. The pt-online-schema-change tool will allow you to perform a database upgrade without locking tables.

Currently, MySQL is the only supported database. The liquibase-percona extension checks whether you run it against a MySQL database, and if your database is not MySQL, the extension falls back to the default changes provided by Liquibase.

Installing the Liquibase Percona Toolkit extension

To use the Liquibase Percona Toolkit extension, follow these steps:

All Users

  1. Ensure that you have installed the latest version of Liquibase. If you use earlier versions of Liquibase, you need to have a compatible version of the extension.


    For more information about installation or upgrade, see Installing Liquibase.

  2. Download the liquibase-percona-.jar file from the liquibase-percona repository.

  3. Place the JAR file in the liquibase/lib directory.

Maven Users (additional step)

If you use Maven, you must also include the driver JAR as a dependency in your pom.xml file using the following code.


After adding the dependency, you can start using the Liquibase Percona Toolkit extension.

Configuring the Liquibase Percona Toolkit extension

You can use flags and system properties to control the use of Percona Toolkit when performing updates for your database.


To use Percona Toolkit flags, add the needed flag to your changelog:



Available as of liquibase-percona 1.3.0.

Each change allows you to enable or disable the use of Percona Toolkit by adding the usePercona flag. For more information, see the liquibase.percona.defaultOn system property.

- changeSet:
    id: 2
    author: Alice
      - addColumn:
          tableName: person
          usePercona: false
            - column:
                name: address
                type: varchar(255)

The usePercona has been supported in XML changelogs since Liquibase 3.6.0.

<addColumn tableName="person"
  <column name="address" type="varchar(255)"/>



Available as of liquibase-percona 2.0.0.

Each change allows you to specify options that are used when executing pt-online-schema-change. If you specify the perconaOptions flag, it will override the liquibase.percona.options system property. If you don’t specify the perconaOptions flag, then the system property will be used.

- changeSet:
     id: 2
     author: Alice
       - addColumn:
           tableName: person
           perconaOptions: "--alter-foreign-keys-method=auto"
             - column:
                 name: address
                 type: varchar(255)
<addColumn tableName="person"
  <column name="address" type="varchar(255)"/>

System properties

You can set system properties by using the standard java -D option:

java -Dliquibase.percona.skipChanges=createIndex,dropColumn -jar liquibase.jar ...

Also, to set the system property, you need to specify a Liquibase .jar file and ensure that the liquibase-percona.jar file is on the classpath (the --classpath option).

When executing Liquibase through Maven, you can use the Properties Maven Plugin to set the system property.

liquibase.percona.failIfNoPT true/false Allows you to enforce the use of Percona Toolkit. If the property is set to true and the command pt-online-schema-change is not found, the database update will fail.

The default value: false.
liquibase.percona.noAlterSqlDryMode true/false Allows you to generate SQL statements and puts them into the migration file. When running update-sql or rollback-sql to generate a migration SQL file, the command line that is executed will be added as a comment. Additionally, the SQL statements will be generated and put into the migration file. This allows executing the generated migration SQL to perform an update; however, Percona Toolkit will not be used. If the liquibase.percona.noAlterSqlDryMode property is set to true, then no SQL statements will be put into the migration file.

The default value: false.
liquibase.percona.skipChanges <comma-separated list of changeTypes> Allows you to disable one or more changes. If a change is disabled when using Percona Toolkit, then this change will be executed by the default Liquibase implementation, and Percona Toolkit will not be used.

By default, the liquibase.percona.skipChanges property is empty so that all supported changes are executed using Percona Toolkit.

For example, if you don’t want to use Persona Toolkit for adding or dropping a column, set the property to addColumn, dropColumn.
liquibase.percona.options string of options Allows you to pass additional command line options to pt-online-schema-change. For example, you can use this property in a complicated replication setup to change the way subordinate instances (also known as slaves) are detected and how their state is used. You can also specify a Percona configuration file using --config file.conf (See Configuration Files). Multiple options are separated by space. If an argument contains a space, use double quotation marks: --config "filename with spaces.conf".

Since liquibase-percona 1.2.1, the default value is --alter-foreign-keys-method=auto --nocheck-unique-key-change. The default value is changed starting with liquibase-percona 1.6.0.
liquibase.percona.defaultOn true/false Allows you to change the default behavior for the usePercona flag. By default, all changes that are not specified with the usePercona flag use the value from this system property. Setting the liquibase.percona.defaultOn property to false allows controlling for each change whether to use Percona Toolkit.

The default value: true. Since liquibase-percona 1.3.0.
liquibase.password <database_password> Allows you to shortcut the automatic detection of the password from the underlying java.sql.Connection (if it fails) or from the default Liquibase properties file. If the liquibase.password property is set, then it is used for the password when executing pt-online-schema-change.

The default value: <empty>. Since liquibase-percona 1.4.0.
liquibase.percona.path <path/pt-online-schema-change.jar> Allows you to select a specific Percona Toolkit installation. If this property is not set, then Percona Toolkit will be searched on the PATH. You need to specify the bin subfolder of the Percona Toolkit distribution.

The default value: <empty>. Since liquibase-percona 1.4.1.
liquibase.percona.ptdebug true/false Allows you to enable the debug output of pt-online-schema-change by setting the environment variable PTDEBUG before starting pt-online-schema-change.

The default value: false. Since liquibase-percona 1.5.0.

For more information about Liquibase and Percona Toolkit changes for each version, see the Changelog section.

Running Liquibase Percona Toolkit Changes

The non-locking update is achieved using triggers:

  1. A new temporary table is created, including the added or dropped columns. The data is copied in chunks.
  2. While the copy is in progress, any newly created, deleted, or updated rows are copied. This is done by adding triggers to the original table.
  3. After the copy is finished, the original table is dropped, and the temporary table is renamed.

This means that pt-online-schema-change cannot be used if the table already uses triggers. The command pt-online-schema-change is searched only on the PATH. Depending on the property liquibase.percona.failIfNoPT, the update will fail or will run without using pt-online-schema-change and lock the table for the duration of the update.

To add the update to your database, add the needed change to the changelog and run the corresponding command based on the following list of supported changes:



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.0.0. Automatic rollback is supported.

<changeSet id="2" author="Alice">
    <addColumn tableName="person">
    <column name="address" type="varchar(255)"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="ADD COLUMN address VARCHAR(255)" ...



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.3.0. Automatic rollback is supported.

<changeSet id="3" author="Alice">
     <addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName="fk_person_address"
         referencedTableName="person" referencedColumnNames="id"
         baseTableName="address" baseColumnNames="person_id"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="ADD CONSTRAINT fk_person_address FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (id)" ...



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.7.0. Automatic rollback is not supported. Automatic rollback is not supported by this Percona change (as opposed to the Liquibase addPrimaryKey Change Type). pt-online-schema-change usually needs a primary key or a unique key to operate properly.

<changeSet id="2" author="Alice">
     <addPrimaryKey tableName="person" columnNames="id, name"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (id, name)" ...


If the table already includes a primary key, add the DROP PRIMARY KEY statement to the alter command first. By default, the pt-online-schema-change tool will not execute this change, you must set the additional option --no-check-alter (See check-alter). To find out whether a primary key already exists and whether you need the DROP PRIMARY KEY statement, a database connection is required.



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.3.0. Automatic rollback is supported.

<changeSet id="2" author="Alice">
     <addUniqueConstraint columnNames="id, name" tableName="person" constraintName="uq_id_name"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="ADD CONSTRAINT uq_id_name UNIQUE (id, name)" ...


pt-online-schema-change is executed with the option --nocheck-unique-key-change. --nocheck-unique-key-change enables adding a unique index; however, it can cause data loss since duplicated rows are ignored. For more information, see the -- [no]check-unique-key-change option.



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.2.0. Automatic rollback is supported.

<changeSet id="2" author="Alice">
     <createIndex indexName="emailIdx" tableName="person" unique="true">
         <column name="email"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="ADD UNIQUE INDEX emailIdx (email)" ...


pt-online-schema-change is executed with the option --nocheck-unique-key-change. --nocheck-unique-key-change enables adding a unique index; however, it can cause data loss since duplicated rows are ignored. For more information, see the -- [no]check-unique-key-change option.



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.0.0. Automatic rollback is not supported.

<changeSet id="2" author="Alice">
     <dropColumn tableName="person" columnName="age"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="DROP COLUMN age" ...



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.3.0. Automatic rollback is not supported.

<changeSet id="4" author="Alice">
     <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="address" constraintName="fk_person_address" />

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="DROP FOREIGN KEY _fk_person_address" ...



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.3.0. Automatic rollback is not supported.

<changeSet id="3" author="Alice">
     <dropUniqueConstraint tableName="person" constraintName="uq_id_name"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="DROP KEY uq_id_name" ...



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.2.0. Automatic rollback is not supported.

<changeSet id="3" author="Alice">
     <dropIndex indexName="emailIdx" tableName="person"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="DROP INDEX emailIdx" ...



The change is supported since liquibase-percona 1.2.0. Automatic rollback is not supported.

<changeSet id="2" author="Alice">
     <modifyDataType tableName="person" columnName="email" newDataType="VARCHAR(400)"/>

Corresponding command:

pt-online-schema-change --alter="MODIFY email VARCHAR(400)" ...

Troubleshooting issues

NoSuchMethodError: PerconaDropColumnChange.getColumns()Ljava/util/List

If you receive the following error message:

Unexpected error running Liquibase:
liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:liquibase.ext.percona.PerconaDropColumnChange.getColumn()Ljava/util/List”`

Check to see if you are using liquibase-percona 1.1.1 with Liquibase 3.2.x. This is an unsupported combination. For Liquibase 3.2.x, you need to use liquibase-percona 1.0.0.