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Good First Issues

Looking for an issue to fix? Great! We appreciate the help!

Fix Problems You Hit

Rough edges that personally impact you are often a great place to start. You know the problem and how to reproduce it, plus a vested interest in getting it correctly resolved.

However, they get to be less great if the fix is complex or in code that can easily have many side effects. As someone new to the Liquibase code, it often takes trying to fix it for you to know how difficult it will be.


If you have any questions, you can always reach out to us by commenting on the issue itself, on the Liquibase Forum, or in the Liquibase Discord.

"Good First Issues" Label

The Liquibase team marks issues that are likely straightforward to fix with the "good first issue" label on GitHub.

If you are looking for sometime to start with, they are a great place to start.

Next Steps