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liquibase.configuration.ConfigurationDefinition instances define metadata about available configuration settings and provide type safety for code looking to read configuration values.

Each configuration setting is a dot-separated, "camelCase" key, such as liquibase.shouldRun or liquibase.outputFileEncoding.

The beginning of the key acts as a "namespace" for the setting to avoid conflicts between similar settings. Sections within the namespace can be used to group similar settings for better end-user usability. Settings defined in the main liquibase code will start with liquibase., but any meaningful namespace can be used.

Building ConfigurationDefinitions

ConfigurationDefinitions are immutable and built using the ConfigurationDefinition.Building instance from new ConfigurationDefinition.Builder(...).define(...).

ConfigurationDefinition<String> MY_SETTING = new ConfigurationDefinition.Builder("liquibase")
        .define("mySetting", String.class)
        .setDescription("A test setting that takes a string")
The call to build() registers the definition with the LiquibaseConfiguration system.

ConfigurationDefintions can be created on demand, but generally they get bundled into a "holder" class such as liquibase.configuration.GlobalConfiguration. If the holder class implements liquibase.configuration.AutoloadedConfigurations and is registered in META-INF/services/liquibase.configuration.AutoloadedConfigurations, the definitions will be autoloaded when Liquibase starts up.

The above example, refactored to be an AutoLoadedConfiguration, would look like:

package com.example.configuration;

import liquibase.configuration.AutoloadedConfigurations;
import liquibase.configuration.ConfigurationDefinition;

public class ExampleConfiguration implements AutoloadedConfigurations {

    public static final ConfigurationDefinition<String> MY_SETTING;

    static {
        ConfigurationDefinition.Builder builder = new ConfigurationDefinition.Builder("liquibase");

        MY_SETTING = builder.define("mySetting", String.class)
                .setDescription("A test setting that takes a string")

Reading Configured Values

Once the ConfigurationDefinition is created, current values can be read with the getCurrentValue() method.

String myValue = MY_SETTING.getCurrentValue();

For more information, see the Definition API Highlights below.

Builder API Highlights


Begins the definition with the given key and type. The full key for the setting is a concatenation of the "base" key defined in the ConfigurationDefinition.Builder(...) call plus the value from this method.


Sets the description for the setting. This is used in end-user-facing documentation for the setting.


Configures the default value for the setting.


Defines an additional key that can be used to look up the setting. This is useful for backward compatibility with older keys, or for supporting different naming conventions.


Configures custom logic for converting the "raw" value from the configuration source into the type expected by the setting.

Liquibase will do standard conversions for most data types, like parsing strings into numbers, booleans, enums, dates, etc. But if you need non-standard values, you can define a custom handler.


The value handlers are purely for converting the same value between datatypes. If you are looking to modify or translate values, see liquibase.configuration.ConfiguredValueModifer.


If the configuration value is sensitive, you can define a custom obfuscator to hide the value in logs and other output. Generally this can be set to ConfigurationValueObfuscator.STANDARD which replaces any value with *****.

ConfigurationDefinition API Highlights

Getting the Current Value

getCurrentValue() and getCurrentValueObfuscated() return the "best" value based on all the configured ConfigurationValueProvider instances, or the default value if none are set.

getCurrentValueObfuscated() will also return the "raw" value unless an obfuscator is defined, in which case the raw value will be run through the obfuscator before being returned.

Any code that will output the value to logging or the UI should normally use getCurrentValueObfuscated() to respect whatever obfuscation settings the creator of the definition has configured. Code that uses the value without printing it, should use getCurrentValue()

This is generally the easiest way to get the current value for a setting.


Similar to getCurrentValue(), but metadata about the source of the value as well.

API Details

The complete javadocs for liquibase.configuration.ConfigurationDefinition is available at

Extension Guides

The following guides provide relevant examples: