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Using the Jenkins Pipeline Stage with Spinnaker

You can launch Jenkins jobs to run Liquibase and perform database updates in a Spinnaker while using a Jenkins pipeline stage.

The following diagram shows the Jenkins pipeline stage calling a Jenkins job which executes Liquibase commands on a Jenkins subordinate.

Jenkins Diagram


The procedure mentioned in this documentation has been built on top of the application created in the Jenkins article.

Setting up Spinnaker and the Jenkins pipeline stage

To configure Jenkins and Spinnaker, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Jenkins and Spinnaker

Make sure you set up Jenkins and Spinnaker.

Step 2: Configure Jenkins

Configure a Jenkins master node using the API Token:

  1. Go to your Jenkins instance and select Configure.


    If you are new to Jenkins, see Jenkins Documentation.

  2. Enter a full name, description, and API Token that you want to add:

  3. Select Save.

Step 3: Setup Package and Deploy Jobs in Spinnaker

Deploy package and deploy jobs pre-configured so that Spinnaker can run those jobs.

To deploy jobs, use examples of the [Jenkinsfile]( provided later in this documentation. After creating your Jenkinsfile and starting to configure a build, specify mode as a Jenkinsfile and enter the path to this file. The following example shows the path to a Jenkinsfile pointing to the root of the repository.

Jenkins setup 1

Jenkins setup 2

Package operation

The package pipeline stage deploys changes to the DEV environment and produces a versioned artifact. The package job in Jenkins accepts three parameters – USERNAME, PASSWORD, and ENV:

Jenkins package operation

The pseudo-code looks like this:

  1. Perform pre-check to ensure all tooling is installed and obtain the needed information about each tool’s version
  2. Check out a branch from a Git repository
  3. Deploy code to DEV database
  4. Create a versioned artifact

The following is an example of the Jenkinsfile to package Liquibase changeset:

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
// Packager declarative pipeline
pipeline {
  agent {
    node {
      label 'datical'
       customWorkspace "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/LB_mongo/1.Package-${BUILD_NUMBER}/"

  environment {

  stages {
     stage ('Precheck') {
        steps {
           sh '''
              ls -alh
              which git
              git --version
              liquibase --version
              git config --global ""
              git config --global "jenkins"
     } // steps
 } // stage 'precheck'

 stage ('Checkout') {
   steps {
     // checkout Liquibase project from Repo
         $class: 'GitSCM',
         branches: [[name: '*/master']],
         doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
         extensions: [
           [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "${PROJ_REPO}"],
           [$class: 'LocalBranch', localBranch: 'master']],
        submoduleCfg: [],
        userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${GITURL}/${PROJ_REPO}.git"]]
      } // steps for checkout stages
  } // stage 'checkout'

  stage ('Branches'){
     steps {
     sh '''
       #{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null

       cd ${PROJ_REPO}
       echo "Current Directory:" `pwd`
       git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main
       git status

    } // steps
  }   // Branches stage

  stage('Package SQL') {
    steps {
             sh '''
                #{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null

                echo "==== Running PackageSQL (using Liquibase::update) ===="
                cd ${PROJ_REPO}
                liquibase --url=mongodb://localhost:27017/${ENV}    \
                --username=${USERNAME}     \
                --password=${PASSWORD}     \
                --log-level=info            \
    }   // steps ... 
  }  // stage 'Package SQL'

  stage('Artifact') {
    steps {
      sh '''
         #{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null

         echo "==== Creating ${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip ===="
         zip -q -r ${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip *
         #mv *.zip ..

         echo "=====FINISHED===="
        // upload artifacts to Artifactory
        script {
            def server = Artifactory.server 'ArtifactoryServer'
            def uploadSpec = """{
              "files": [
                 "pattern": "*.zip",
                 "target": "${REPOSITORY_BASE}/${BRANCH}/database/",
                 "flat" : "false"

        } // steps for Artifact
     } // stage artifact

   }   // stages
   post {
     always {
        //archiveArtifacts "**/daticaldb.log, **/Reports/**, **/Logs/**, **/Snapshots/**"
        sh '''
           ls -alh
   }     // pipeline

Deploy operation

The deploy pipeline stage pulls down the specific artifact version and deploys it to a target database environment. The deploy job in Jenkins accepts four parameters – USERNAME, PASSWORD, ENV, and ARTIFACT_VERSION:

Jenkins deploy operation

The pseudo-code looks like this:

  1. Perform pre-check to ensure all tooling is installed and obtain necessary information about each tool’s version
  2. Check out a specific version of the artifact
  3. Deploy code to a target database

The following is an example of the Jenkinsfile to deploy a Liquibase change:

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
// Deploy declarative pipeline
pipeline {
  agent {
    node {
      label 'datical'
      customWorkspace "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/LB_mongo/2.Deploy-${BUILD_NUMBER}/"

  environment {

  stages {
     stage ('Precheck') {
        steps {
           sh '''
              ls -alh
              liquibase --version
        } // steps
    } // stage 'precheck'

    stage('Retrieve Artifact') {
      steps {
       // download artifact from Artifactory
       script {
            def server = Artifactory.server 'ArtifactoryServer'
            def downloadSpec = """
             "files": [
                "target": "${PROJ_DDB}/",
                "pattern": "${REPOSITORY_BASE}/${BRANCH}/database/${ARTIFACT_VERSION}.zip",
                "explode": "true",
                "flat" : "false"
        } // steps for Artifact
    } // stage artifact 

    stage('Status Check') {
      steps {
          sh '''
             set +x
             if [ ${TARGET_DB} == proddb ]
                cd ${PROJ_DIR}
                echo "Checking if changes have been deployed to Test"
                if liquibase --url=mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb   \
                             --username=${USERNAME}         \
                             --password=${PASSWORD}         \
                                status | grep -q "is up to date"; then
                    echo "Changes have been applied"
                    echo "=========== FAILURE! ================="
                    echo "Changes have not been applied to test"
                    echo "All changes must be applied to test before Prod"
                    echo "======================================"
                    exit 1
        } // Steps
    } // Status Check

    stage('Deploy SQL') {
      steps {
           sh '''
               #{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null

               echo "==== Running Deploy (using Liquibase::update) ===="
               cd ${PROJ_DIR}
               liquibase --url=mongodb://localhost:27017/${${ENV}  \
                         --username=${USERNAME}              \
                         --password=${PASSWORD}              \
                         --log-level=info             \
        }   // steps ... 
    }  // stage 'Deploy SQL'

 }   // stages
 post {
    always {
        // Jenkins Artifacts
        //archiveArtifacts "**/daticaldb.log, **/Reports/**, **/Logs/**, **/Snapshots/**"
        sh '''
            ls -alh
      } //always 
    }  // post
 }  // pipeline

Step 4: Apply Jenkins API Token in Spinnaker

# Access Halyard pod
export HAL_POD=$(kubectl -n spinnaker get pod -l app=halyard -oname | cut -d'/' -f 2)
kubectl -n spinnaker exec -it ${HAL_POD} bash

# Halyard command to enable Jenkins
hal config ci jenkins enable

# export environment variables
export BASEURL=http://<jenkinsmaster>
export USERNAME=admin
export PASSWORD=<API Token>
hal config ci jenkins master add <name_of_your_jenkins_master> --address $BASEURL --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD

# apply changes to Halyard
hal deploy apply

Step 5: Create the Spinnaker Pipeline

In Spinnaker, perform the following:

  1. Go to Applications, select Actions, and then select Create Application

Spinnaker pipeline setup 1

  1. Select Create Pipeline or Strategy to create a pipeline in the application

Spinnaker pipeline setup 2

  1. Configure a Jenkins pipeline stage by adding the following parameters:

  2. Controller

  3. Job
  4. Property File
  5. Artifact Version
  6. Target Database

Step 6: Select Start Manual Execution to run the pipeline

Spinnaker run pipeline

You can confirm an execution of the job by going to Jenkins and viewing the console output.

Using Spinnaker Pipeline as code (JSON)

As all Spinnaker jobs are based on JSON, see JSON for jobs you used if you want to manage your Spinnaker pipeline as a code:

The package pipeline stage:

Input parameters to a Jenkins package job include database credentials (USERNAME and PASSWORD) and the name of the target database (ENV):

"stages": [
      "continuePipeline": false,
      "failPipeline": true,
      "job": "LB/job/1.Package",
      "master": "jenkins-master",
      "name": "LB_1_Package",
      "parameters": {
          "USERNAME": "lbusername",
          "PASSWORD": "lbpassword",
          "ENV": "devdb"
      "refId": "1",
      "requisiteStageRefIds": [],
      "type": "jenkins"

The deploy pipeline stage:

Input parameters to a Jenkins deploy job include database credentials (USERNAME and PASSWORD), the name of the target database (ENV), and the artifact version:

"stages": [
      "continuePipeline": false,
      "failPipeline": true,
      "job": "LB/job/1.Package",
      "master": "jenkins-master",
      "name": "LB_2_Deploy",
      "parameters": {
         "USERNAME": "lbusername",
         "PASSWORD": "lbpassword",
         "ENV": "proddb",
         "ARTIFACT_VERSION": "13"
       "refId": "2",
       "requisiteStageRefIds": [
       "type": "jenkins"