Extension Anatomy
In Your First Extension, you were able to get a basic extension running. How does it work under the hood?
Liquibase is implemented in Java and relies on standard Java patterns such as "code to interfaces, dynamically load implementations".
While the specific methods can vary by extension, the general pattern is:
- On startup, Liquibase finds all available implementations of extension interfaces
- As Liquibase runs, when it needs to use a particular interface it finds and uses the implementation with the highest priority based on the surrounding context
This pattern means that creating extensions consists of:
- Creating new classes (implementations) for interfaces with the new or changed logic you want.
- Ensure your new classes return a high enough
value in the contexts they should apply - Register classes, so they are found at startup time
Let's take a closer look at the HelloWorldChange sample's source code and see how these concepts apply to it.
Extension File Structure
This class is your new implementation of the liquibase.change.Change interface
which defines your new logic in the generateStatements()
The priority of this implementation is set via the priority
attribute on the @DatabaseChange
constant which is "1"
Because HelloWorldChange is providing a new liquibase.change.Change implementation, we create (or add to) a file named liquibase.change.Change
in META-INF/services
and list the class name in there.
This file is used by Liquibase at startup time to know that your new implementation exists.
The pom.xml file contains the build logic Maven uses for compiling and packaging your code into a jar file.
The jar file contains your new implementation class and adding it to Liquibase's lib
directory allows the CLI to find it and use it.