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Defining a New Database


When adding support for a new database, the first class to create is a new liquibase.database.Database implementation. This class acts as the "dialect" definition and the facade to your database.

The Database interface defines methods for:

  • Reading metadata about the database (getDatabaseMajorVersion(), getDefaultPort(), getDefaultSchema(), etc.)
  • Checking capabilities of the database (isCaseSensitive(), supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns, supportsSchemas(), etc.)
  • Performing common logic (escapeObjectName(), commit(), rollback(), etc.)

Subclassing an existing Database Class

If your database generally attempts to be compatible with another database, your new Database implementation can extend the existing Database class.

For example, many databases strive for PostgreSQL compatibility. Those databases can extend liquibase.database.core.PostgresDatabase and only override what is special about the new database.


To correctly differentiate your database from the "standard" version, you must always implement:

  • getPriority()
  • getShortName()
  • getDatabaseProductName()

See the liquibase.database.Database API documentation for more information.

Example Code

package com.example.database;

import liquibase.database.DatabaseConnection;
import liquibase.database.core.PostgresDatabase;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;

public class ExamplePostgresDatabase extends PostgresDatabase {

    public int getPriority() {
        return PRIORITY_DATABASE;

    public boolean isCorrectDatabaseImplementation(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection) throws DatabaseException {
        return databaseConnection.getDatabaseProductName().equals("ExampleDB");

    public String getShortName() {
        return "example";

    protected String getDefaultDatabaseProductName() {
        return "Example Database";

Extending AbstractJdbcDatabase

If your database is more unique, you will likely want to extend from liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase rather than PostgresDatabase or one of the other implementations which derive from it.

How many methods you need to implement or override will depend on how much your database varies from the included superclass logic.

Example Code

package com.example.database;

import liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase;
import liquibase.database.DatabaseConnection;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;

public class ExampleDatabase extends AbstractJdbcDatabase {

    public int getPriority() {
        return PRIORITY_DEFAULT;

    public boolean isCorrectDatabaseImplementation(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection) throws DatabaseException {
        return databaseConnection.getDatabaseProductName().equals("ExampleDB");

    public String getShortName() {
        return "example";

    protected String getDefaultDatabaseProductName() {
        return "Example Database";

    public String getDefaultDriver(String s) {
        return "com.example.db.Driver";

    public Integer getDefaultPort() {
        return 55555;

    public boolean supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns() {
        return false;

    public boolean supportsTablespaces() {
        return true;

API Documentation

A complete description of the API, including what methods must be implemented and how, is available on the liquibase.database.Database API page.

Next Step

After you have created your Database class, it's time to test it out