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Fix and Retest


When the Test Harness tests run, it will look for change and snapshot tests and expectations in your src/test/resources/liquibase/harness directory.

Finding Files

The test harness uses an algorithm of finding the "most correct" version of files for your database. These files are used for both defining what to test and also what to expect.

The base search directory is src/test/resources/liquibase/harness/* with different subdirectories for each type of test. For example, the "change" tests use a ${base directory} of src/test/resources/liquibase/harness/change.

When searching for a file such as file.ext, Test Harness checks for the following pattern:

  1. ${base directory}/${db name}/${major version}/{$minor version}/file.ext
  2. ${base directory}/${db name}/${major version}/file.ext
  3. ${base directory}/${db name}/file.ext
  4. ${base directory}/file.ext

where it uses the contents of file it finds.

This means that when defining "expectedSql", changelogs, expectedSnapshots or any other file test harness expects, you can override the default by creating new files higher up in the pattern.


Keep your files as generic as possible. If the expectedSql file works for all versions of your database, create the file in ${base directory}/${db name}/file.ext`.

Only use major and minor versions when it actually depends on the specific versions.

Golden Master Files

Many of the tests use "expected" files and will either auto-create them if they do not exist or fail until the file is created.

These files let you manually inspect the SQL being run by a particular change type to ensure it is doing what you expect. The completed files should be checked into Git so it is easy to detect any changes to this known good behavior in the future.

Fixing Logic

For tests that are failing because of Liquibase interactions that need to be customized for your database, you will create one of two types of classes:

The general pattern for both is to create a new class that returns a higher priority if and only if Liquibase is using the Database class you defined in milestone 1.


The Database method you will need to implement for your new generator classes will depend on the specific class you are implementing.

See the corresponding documentation pages for more information and examples.


The first time you run the tests, you will likely get many failures, but don't be discouraged. Often, the first few fixes you make will resolve many of the failures.

After making a potential fix, re-run the tests to ensure it solved the problem and then move on to the next failure. You should quickly pick up the general code patterns, and most of the effort is finding the correct SQL syntax for your database.


If your database does not support a particular feature, make sure you are handling that in validate() or supports() methods as appropriate.


Once all the Test Harness tests are passing, you will be able to use any of the standard change types in XML/YAML/JSON changelogs as well as any snapshot-based functionality.

For example, all of this should now work:

  • liquibase update with <createTable... in the changelog
  • liquibase update with <tableExists... preconditions in the changelog
  • liquibase snapshot
  • liquibase diff
  • liquibase diff-changelog
  • liquibase generate-changelog

Now is a great time to release a new version of your extension

Next Steps

If you are looking to move beyond standard functionality into custom change types or more advanced features, see the Extension Guides for more information, including: