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Testing Your New Database


With your new Database class defined, Liquibase should be able to run user-defined SQL statements on the database. Give it a try!


Create a changelog file like:

-- liquibase formatted sql

--changeset example:1
create table person (id int not null primary key, name varchar(255))
--rollback drop table person

--changeset example:2
create table company (id int not null primary key, name varchar(255))
--rollback drop table company

and run liquibase update on your database using that changelog file.

If there are any failures with creating the databasechangelog table, managing the lock, marking the change sets ran, or anything else. GOTO step 3.

Once update works, any Liquibase functionality that doesn't rely on modeled changes or snapshot should work. For example, all of these should work:

  • liquibase rollback-count 2
  • liquibase history
  • liquibase status
  • liquibase tag
  • Any xml/yaml/json changelog files with only <sql> and <sqlFile> change tags

Next Steps

If/when you run into problems during testing, go to step 3.

If everything seems to work, Congratulations!! Now is a great time to release the first version of your extension. After releasing, you can proceed to Milestone 2 to add advanced support.


If you'd like your database extension to be included in the main Liquibase documentation and be a more official part of Liquibase, contact the Liquibase team and we will work with you to make it more visible in documentation and in the supported databases list.